Brock and Tyler ready for their doctors appointment.
Well this has been a pretty good week so far. Oaklen is doing great with the babies and getting a little less timid around them. He's learned to come home and change his clothes and wash his hands before touching the babies. He's had a lot going on this week with a book fair and secret santa coming up. The boys did great at there doctors visit. They have gained 1 pound each since birth. Still under five pounds but getting close. Addison has graduated from the nicu and is now in the step down unit. Today she took two bottles! Maybe she will be home in a week? They have also taken her off the caffeine which we were orignally told she would come home on. So everything is looking up. It's so hard when I go to see her because I know I have to leave her there. I'm ready to have all my kids home together.