Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Happy Birthday to my babies!

Wow has it been a year? Time has gone by so fast! As I made this video I realized how much they have changed in such little time. I've been in tears all week as I made it because they are my last babies. I will never have a little baby again and I wish I could have stretched each day out a little farther. I miss the little baby who would lay so still while I just stared in awe. When they would wrap their little hand around my finger. I miss the days when they first smiled and their first laugh. I'm sure next year will be the same as I say how much I miss watching them crawl or watching their first step. I've been very blessed to have four wonderful children. So onto a lighter note.

Happy Birthday to my wonderful Tyler.
Born at 3lbs 10oz Now 19lbs 7oz

Happy Birthday to my gorgeous Addie.
Born at 3lbs 5oz Now 19lbs 7oz

Happy Birthday to my awesome snuggler Brock.
Born at 3lbs 14oz Now 21lbs

Tuesday, October 28, 2008


A rare picture would be one with Addison not pouting. She loves this face and does it all day long. If I make this face back at her she burst out laughing. She is quite the comedian.

A great picture of my two oldest boys. :)

Brock plans to be a chef when he grows up. He loves his bowls.

Everyone loves the "Daddy Monster"

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Poor kid thought he was getting paid

Oaklen had to memorize the Preamble to the United States Constitution for school. He came and said he was suppose to get a certificate but all he got was a piece of paper. When I asked him what he thought a certificate was he said he thought it was money or something. I wonder if he would worked so hard at memorizing it if he had known.

On another note Tyler ate a candle today. He bit right into it. I do not think it is any cause for concern but he does have very flowery breath now.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Tyler is taking steps!

Brock pulls Tyler over.Tyler takes a few steps.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Playing in the leaves

We decided to play in the leaves today. Since the babies are too young to trick or treat and it is RSV season we decided to also do pictures in their costumes. Addison was not happy at all. I got one or two smiles before the costume went on. Brock liked Addison's costume so much he kept tugging on the pedals and yanking Addison's head all around. Addison was not happy with her costume and would not move with it on.

My not so happy flower in my flower bed.
Tyler liked tackling Brock!
Look at Brock's cheeks!
"Oh no what did my mommy do to us!"

The many faces of Addison

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Oaklen turns 10!

Today we celebrated Oaklen's 10th Birthday(which is actually tomorrow). He had fun and got all kinds of cool stuff. I can't wait to play with them. Did I say I? I mean Oaklen can't wait to play with them with me. :) He got night vision goggles(these are awesome), nerf tag, microscope, telescope, planet earth projector, tech decks, books, games, movies, and cash. He was so tired this evening and very grumpy but still wanted to open everything. It took a lot of persuasion to get him into bed.

We rented a shelter at the playground for his party.
This pinata would not break. They hit on it forever! Adam had to poke a hole in the bottom and it finally broke after about 10 more hits.
Thank you Johnny for the books and movie.
Thank you Nonni for the projector.
Oaklen was very excited about his mouse trap game.

Oaklen's Nana came in from Texas for the party.

It was a very windy day. Glinda and I spent an hour taping and re taping all the decorations that kept breaking and flying away.
My attempt at a giant cookie. It did taste good.
Adam and Oaklen had a blast today running around the house with the nerf tag.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

RSV Season Is Here

According to our Pedi RSV season is here (October thru April). For those of you who are unaware what RSV is, RSV (Respiratory Syncytial Virus), it is more than just a cold. It's a serious and contagious virus for young children especially those born less than 36 weeks. Our triplets were born at 32 weeks and 2 days. What is a common cold or mild cough for us as adults can manifest itself into something more dangerous to the babies if they are exposed to it, especially our babies who were born prematurely. The babies doctor has asked us to keep them in the house and away from others as much as possible for our second season.

It is very,very easy to contract RSV. It is spread by physical contact (such as shaking hands with an infected person) or thru the air (usually from sneezing or coughing). RSV can also live for several hours on surfaces, such as doorknobs, telephones, faucet handles, counters or used tissues, towels, etc. RSV infections are very common in areas where people are crowded together. In homes where there are multiple children, such as us, RSV can spread very rapidly from child to child. An older child can even bring the virus home from school or a friend's house. Since we have an older child at home we make sure he changes clothes as soon as he is home from school. We are not mandating people also do this when coming to the house but if you work in a busy place it may be a good idea.

Please refrain from coming over if you are currently sick, or you were sick but have not been symptom-free for at least 5 days, or have been in contact with someone who is/was sick. This means if someone is sick in your home you may be carrying this with no symptoms. Please reschedule your visit to a later date. We also ask you wash your hands and sanitize when you first come in. Please don't get in the babies' faces, let them chew on things other than their toys, don't kiss on them, etc. I know my children have a habit of sticking their fingers in the mouths of others. Please do not let them do this.

Even though they are getting big and have been otherwise healthy we still need to be extra careful about illness, especially RSV. Their lungs have come a long way. But believe it or not, they are still very fragile, at least until the age of 2. Then we can all breathe a little easier.

Please don't take this the wrong way. This email was not meant to offend anyone or isolate us from anyone or anything in particular. We are just trying to do what is best for the kids. We are taking the threat of RSV very seriously and just needed to set some simple guidelines. We hope you understand and appreciate your respect on this matter.

Thank you for respecting our wishes and helping us keep our children as healthy as possible this RSV season.

The trio will start their synagis shots at their one year appointment. We had hoped to start them this month but just now got the approval from insurance. This shot does not protect them from RSV. It does however make it less severe.

I do plan on taking our daily walks until the weather will no longer allow me to. I bought signs that says to "Please wash your hands before touching mine" however when people finally notice them they are already too close. If any of my local readers see stroller bug nets around please let me know where. I did not see them at wal-mart but might have missed them. I want to get these in hopes to ward off all the handling of my babies. You would be surprised how many strangers/people touch on them.

If you have any questions on any of this the sites below have all the answers.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

This is Brocks new transportation.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008


Yes we spend most of our days in high chairs. 6 meals a day!