Saturday, October 30, 2010

Happy 3rd Birthday Trio!

Wooohooo we made it to 3! Will we make it farther? I hear 3 is worse than 2. I know I am a day late here the kids turned three yesterday I do apologize. Everyday our lives get busier. These three are running me in circles I don't know how much longer I can keep up with them. :) They had an excellent birthday despite being sick the week before. Poor miss Addie had pneumonia in her left lung, Brock had an ear infection and Tyler had sinus infection. For the first time since they were born I said "I can't do this" and called in for reinforcements. Thank you Toni and Doreen for coming to help me! I was absolutely wore out!

It's always fun having a Birthday so close to Halloween! The kids got to dress up two days in a row, once for trick or treat and again for preschool. The third day Tyler was upset and could not understand why he could not be Woody everyday. :)

I asked Addison what she wanted for her Birthday and she told me "purpur checkastix" (purple chapstick) and "purpur unrings" (earrings). I asked Tyler what he wants and he said "panpates" (pancakes). I asked Brock what he wanted but he was interrupted by Addison who said "He wants purpur unrings for Addison".

Tyler now.....Tyler then

Brock now.....Brock then

Addie now....Addie then

At the grocery store today a lady stopped to tell me Addison had the prettiest hair color and said she could not decide if it was blonde or red. Haha the red is not completely coming out of her hair from Halloween but at least it's a pretty tint. :)


Jessica said...

Awww, Happy Birthday again! I can't believe you turned her hair red, McKenna would never let me do that!

Proud parents of FOUR! said...

Thank you Jessica, yes Addison lets me do anything to her hair. She will sit still for curlers, french braids, and loves the blow dryer. This was just a Halloween spray can of coloring. The kind that SHOULD wash out.

Anonymous said...

I have just stumbled across your blog and I want to tell you that it is really heartwarming how you write about your family. It put a smile on my face to see how loving everything is written.

keep it up! :-)